Arvind S. Patil, Ph.D.

Arvind S. Patil, Ph.D. is a physical chemist with a bachelor’s degree from Pune, India, a master’s degree from Toronto, Canada, and a doctorate from Edmonton, Canada. He has also done post-doctoral work in Sydney and Perth, Australia. He holds more than 70 patents. Patil is currently Vice President of Technical and Scientific Affairs for Protect Plus Companies. He previously worked for BASF and W.R. Grace Company. He has been working in filtration and water purification for the last 30 years, and in fine particles technology for 25 years before that. Patil has served on task groups for the Water Quality Association, including Water Sciences and others. He has also been a member of the NSF Joint Committee for Drinking Water and Treatment Units for more than 25 years and is currently chairperson of Lead and PFAS Chemicals Task Groups.