Water is a fundamental resource for life, indispensable for hydration, sanitation, and countless industrial and agricultural processes. However, the quality of water considered suitable for consumption and use is not uniform across regions or sources. Ensuring access to clean and safe water is paramount for safeguarding public health and safety.


Water quality refers to the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water that determine its suitability for specific uses. These characteristics include clarity, odor, taste, pH levels, presence of pollutants, and microbial contamination. Poor water quality can pose significant risks to human health, leading to various waterborne diseases and long-term health issues.


Waterborne Diseases: Contaminated water can harbor pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, leading to illnesses like cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, and gastroenteritis. These diseases can spread rapidly through communities, particularly in areas with inadequate sanitation and water treatment facilities.

Chemical Contaminants: Industrial and agricultural activities can introduce harmful chemicals such as heavy metals, pesticides, and organic pollutants into water sources. Prolonged exposure to these contaminants through drinking water or food grown with contaminated water can cause serious health problems, including neurological disorders, cancer, and reproductive issues.

Emerging Contaminants: The presence of emerging contaminants like pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and microplastics in water sources poses new challenges to water quality management. While the health effects of these contaminants are still being studied, their potential impact on human health is a growing concern.


Ensuring access to clean and safe water requires a comprehensive approach to water quality management, encompassing source protection, treatment, distribution, and monitoring. Key strategies include:

Source Protection: Protecting water sources from contamination through land-use planning, pollution
control measures, and watershed management practices.

Water Treatment: Implementing effective treatment processes such as filtration, disinfection, and advanced oxidation to remove contaminants and pathogens from water supplies.

Infrastructure Investment: Investing in infrastructure upgrades and maintenance to ensure the delivery of safe and reliable drinking water to communities.

Regulatory Frameworks: Enforcing water quality standards and regulations at the local, national, and international levels to prevent pollution and mitigate health risks.

Public Education: Raising awareness about the importance of water quality, hygiene practices, and water conservation to empower individuals and communities to protect their health.

Water quality is intricately linked to public health and safety, underscoring the urgent need for proactive measures to safeguard water resources and ensure access to clean and safe water for all. By prioritizing water quality management, governments, organizations, and individuals can mitigate health risks, protect ecosystems, and promote sustainable development for future generations. Investing in water infrastructure, strengthening regulatory frameworks, and fostering community engagement are essential steps toward building resilient water systems that support healthy and thriving communities.

ASSE International is proud to offer multiple certifications to address the issues presented. These certifications fall under the 12000 Water Management and Infection Control Risk Assessment for Building Systems standard with the following offerings:

  • 12010/12020/12025: ICRA — Environment of Care, Infection Control and Construction Risk Assessment
  • 12050/12051: Air Quality
  • 12060/12061/12062/12063:
    o 12060: Water Quality for Employers and Designated Representatives
    o 12061: Water Quality for Plumbers
    o 12062: Water Quality for Pipefitters and HVAC Technicians
    o 12063: Water Quality for Sprinkler Fitters
  • 12080: Legionella Water Safety and Management Specialist

For more information on how to become certified, go to www.asse-plumbing.org and click on Personnel Certification, or email ASSE International headquarters at assecertifications@asse-plumbing.org.

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Kathleen Huttner is Senior Director of Testing and Credential services for ASSE International and IAPMO. Huttner has more than 15 years of experience managing certification programs, as well as a strong background in association management. Her goal at ASSE and IAPMO is to work closely with committees to guide them through the process of ensuring that examinations are valid, reliable, and timely, and that the results generated are fair for test takers.


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