Updates to Illinois Plumbing Code

Between defining hot water as 160 °F (60 °C), requiring that temperature to be within 12 inches of the point-of-use fitting, and eliminating the use of an ASSE 1017 (Temperature Actuated Mixing Valve for Hot Water Distribution Systems) master mixing valve, the proposed changes to the Illinois Plumbing Code at the end of 2018 caused quite a stir. Thanks to an outpouring of comments, proposals, collaboration, and overall involvement, the result is a set of tempered requirements that balance Legionella prevention and scald protection. There is still room for improvement, as is the case with many codes. Here’s what transpired that’s of interest to ASSE members:

A copy of the proposals and responses is available online. A copy of the upcoming text with strikethrough and underline is also available.

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Conrad Jahrling has been in the plumbing and HVAC industry for 14 years, currently as a product manager for Lync by Watts. Previously, he was with ASSE International managing standards development and product certification and with Sloan designing high efficiency valves, urinals, and water closets. He received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from University of Denver and his master’s in product design and development from Northwestern University. He is a lifelong Chicagoan currently in the Quad Cities, Iowa with his wife and son.